Saturday 26 March 2011

Music Packaging

I created this CD cover using a photo I took of the Eureka Tower in Melbourne. I duplicated the image, flipped it and changed the Hue, Saturation, Brightness and Contrast to create the colours shown. 

I decided upon those colours because I was doing a CD of House music and I wanted it to look like night time with neon lights throughout the city like a night club.

The back cover is the same image as the front but using more opacity so it's more of a background image instead of what it is on the front of the CD.

1 comment:

  1. 1) It looks like informal design has been used here overall, although unity and symmetry is evident.

    2) The simplicity of using a single image for both the front and back covers does make it appropriate for informal design. The idea of listening to a CD – especially one of house music – is to let go and have fun, hence the informal approach is also appropriate in that aspect.

    3) I am really stuck with improvements. If the image was centred, I’d say to move it – which she has. I’d also have said to include the whole building – which she’s done, as well as including the river. It’s a perfect angle! Scaled beautifully, coloured and toned fine!

    I really like the colours. The brightness and vibrancy of this CD cover really gives it that ‘city night life’ feel. I love how although it’s been duplicated symmetrically, it’s been moved off-centre, which gives it a great effect.
    A weakness may be that the consistency is too much. However, I am a fan of this! I do like the simplicity and symmetry.
    Improvements may include perhaps additional images/shapes/text etc. to add to this cover, maybe to support the dance atmosphere – the constant advertising, flashing lights, spinning disco ball and so forth.
    I’m not too sure how strict people are on copyright, but although she did state she’d taken the photo herself, people may not approve of their building being used in the background. Landmarks may be fussy. That’s really the only thing I can think of with this product. No faults in my opinion!

    Lotsa Love, Peita ;)
