Tuesday 8 March 2011

25 Random things about myself..

  • I play the drums and have played for nearly 7 years and started teaching end of last year as well.
  • I am the youngest of 3 daughters.
  • I love food. My favourite meal is dinner - especially pasta bake, butter chicken, tuna casserole, enchiladas or roast lamb.. 
  • I'm not a big fan of ice cream - it's too cold. Nice flavour though..
  • Love apple products - macs, macbooks, iphones, ipod touch
  • I love the TV show "Friends". Yes, I am one of those people that knows every quote and has seen every episode from season 1 - 10 more than 3 times..
  • 'How I met you mother' is my favourite TV show
  • I used to play piano for a few years but hardly know any more about it..
  • I'm not a very good swimmer.. I get tired easily
  • I often start writing a novel but I haven't come close to finishing one yet
  • I live 2 hours away from Vic Uni
  • My hair is naturally curly but I usually have it straightened
  • I never feel like chocolate after dinner
  • I bought a green Kia Rio this year
  • My nana makes the best jelly slice
  • I've been going to the same church since I was born and I love it
  • I've never broken a bone
  • After watching supersize me, I didn't eat McDonalds or Hungry Jacks for a year.
  • My bedroom walls are light blue
  • I work at a hospital in administration and will soon be starting ward clark training.
  • Ikea, Officeworks and Harvey Norman have got to be my favourite shops to walk into
  • I hate listening to TV ads. When I have the remote, I mute.
  • I'm not a big fan of reading books but I wish I was.. I think I just get too distracted
  • I'm not a great singer but I love singing in the car and the shower
  • I would love to meet Taylor Swift - I really think we'd be good friends!

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