Saturday 26 March 2011

Music Packaging

I created this CD cover using a photo I took of the Eureka Tower in Melbourne. I duplicated the image, flipped it and changed the Hue, Saturation, Brightness and Contrast to create the colours shown. 

I decided upon those colours because I was doing a CD of House music and I wanted it to look like night time with neon lights throughout the city like a night club.

The back cover is the same image as the front but using more opacity so it's more of a background image instead of what it is on the front of the CD.

Friday 18 March 2011

Alphabet Rubbish

My definition of 'rubbish' would be anything that is not going to be used again or something that was used and now it has no more purpose to the original user and so has been thrown away or discarded.

I have chosen to do my alphabet rubbish using scrunched up tissue/toilet paper. I figured people who have used a tissue would scrunch it up and throw it away. My intended audience for this font would be teenagers as it's fun and a little bit messy. I feel as though the older generation would prefer a more sophisticated looking font.

Below is a screen shot of my layers however I had quite a few layers so not all of them fit.. But you get the idea.

I created these letters by taking a photo of a scrunched up piece of tissue that I moulded into a straight line with my jacket as a black background. I then took another photo with the tissue moulded into a curved 'C' shape and then another photo as an 'O' shape. Using these three photos, I was able to rotate them and enlarge or reduce the size of them to make a letter. 


Tuesday 8 March 2011

25 Random things about myself..

  • I play the drums and have played for nearly 7 years and started teaching end of last year as well.
  • I am the youngest of 3 daughters.
  • I love food. My favourite meal is dinner - especially pasta bake, butter chicken, tuna casserole, enchiladas or roast lamb.. 
  • I'm not a big fan of ice cream - it's too cold. Nice flavour though..
  • Love apple products - macs, macbooks, iphones, ipod touch
  • I love the TV show "Friends". Yes, I am one of those people that knows every quote and has seen every episode from season 1 - 10 more than 3 times..
  • 'How I met you mother' is my favourite TV show
  • I used to play piano for a few years but hardly know any more about it..
  • I'm not a very good swimmer.. I get tired easily
  • I often start writing a novel but I haven't come close to finishing one yet
  • I live 2 hours away from Vic Uni
  • My hair is naturally curly but I usually have it straightened
  • I never feel like chocolate after dinner
  • I bought a green Kia Rio this year
  • My nana makes the best jelly slice
  • I've been going to the same church since I was born and I love it
  • I've never broken a bone
  • After watching supersize me, I didn't eat McDonalds or Hungry Jacks for a year.
  • My bedroom walls are light blue
  • I work at a hospital in administration and will soon be starting ward clark training.
  • Ikea, Officeworks and Harvey Norman have got to be my favourite shops to walk into
  • I hate listening to TV ads. When I have the remote, I mute.
  • I'm not a big fan of reading books but I wish I was.. I think I just get too distracted
  • I'm not a great singer but I love singing in the car and the shower
  • I would love to meet Taylor Swift - I really think we'd be good friends!

Design and Digital Media - TOAST


I created this in photoshop using photos from the internet. The image on the right are the layers that I used.
The vignette layer was to get the finishing look on the image, making the corners darker. You do this by adding a new layer of a dark grey and then going to 'Filter' > 'Distort' > 'Lens and correction' and then changing the tabs under the vignette tab.
This was our week 2 task - fairly simple.