Tuesday 12 April 2011

A line is a dot that went for a walk - Paul Klee

I created this animation in photoshop. When I thought of a dot moving to form a line, I pictured a tear drop making a watery line down somebody's face. The rest of the video is just to show some of the emotions people feel when they cry.

1 comment:

  1. 1) I think an informal approach has been used for this animation, due to lack of symmetry, yet unity and dominance can be seen.

    2) I think it depends on how you interpret the quote by Paul Klee. In this instance, Maggie wants to express bitterness, pain, anger and sadness, so I think an informal design would convey these emotions best, as it would give an off-edge, not-quite-right vibe to it.

    3) There’s not much I can say with advice. I really like this concept. I think she’s responded to the task perfectly.

    Love the idea of a tear dripping down someone’s face! Top points for originality!
    Only thing would be maybe it’s too fast for people to read.
    I know it was only meant to be a quick animation, but make it go for longer! I’m sure other people who watch this like I did will be intrigued to see more!
    Mmm… Your use of awesomeness may be offensive to viewers!

    Lotsa Love, Peita ;)
